About my Practice

Nina Jankovic (she/her), MA RCC CCC

Registered Clinical Counsellor in BC

Canadian Certified Counsellor

I offer psychodynamic individual and group therapy along with case consultation for therapists. In therapy, I mostly see those who are struggling in their interpersonal relationships, and in their relationship with themselves - they have largely moved beyond immediate trauma responses and are looking to explore more deeply. Attachment injuries can often present themselves, and are ideally worked through within the safer container of therapy.

The way I practice is trauma-informed and attachment-based - rooted in connection.

I completed my MA in Counselling Psychology at McGill and pursued further years of intensive training in psychodynamic psychotherapy with the Argyle Institute in Montreal. I’ve also trained in different forms of somatic therapy, and psychoanalytic group therapy with the Center for Group Studies in New York, along with some other modalities listed below. Prior to becoming a therapist, I was a support worker in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside and was involved in either volunteering or working with non-profits for close to ten years.

A bit of personal sharing: I’m a lover of literature, writing, and photography, along with mindfulness-based practices like yoga. I aim to connect clients with parts of life and practices that feel sustaining and inspiring for them, and that bring them closer to relational well-being with others. I live with chronic health and pain issues, and am attentive to the needs of clients with similar lived experiences.


  • MA: Counselling Psychology - McGill University

  • Psychology and Counselling Studies - University of British Columbia

  • BA: English Literature - Simon Fraser University

Somatic & Trauma Training

  • Sensorimotor Psychotherapy for Trauma - Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute

  • Treating Trauma: Master Series - National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine

  • Somatic Attachment Psychotherapy Year 1 - Lisa Mortimore

Psychodynamic/Psychoanalytic Training

  • 3 Year Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Program with Internship (weekly individual and group analytic supervision, psychodynamic coursework) - The Argyle Institute

  • Modern Analytic Group Trainings - NYC Center for Group Studies

  • Process Group Experiential Trainings - American Group Psychotherapy Association

Mindfulness Training

  • Mindfulness in Clinical Practice - National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine

  • The Power of Awareness (Mindfulness Training) - Tara Brach & Jack Kornfield